Released On 9th Nov 2021
Autumn at Chard Reservoir
As the light gets lower in the sky, the leaves change colour and the fungi starts to fruit, it really is an amazing time to visit Chard Reservoir.
The views across the water are spectacular at the start and end of the days. Why not walk through the woodlands and meadows and see how many different species of fungi you can find? They are really very photogenic if you want to try your hand at macro photography.
Now that the water levels are back down to their usual winter levels, after the heavy rainfall we received two weeks ago, the mud is once again exposed and will attract a variety of different waders and wildfowl that overwinter in the UK, escaping the colder weather of Iceland, Scandanavia and northern Europe. Keep up to date for recent bird sightings by visiting Kevin Harris' s website. Kevin is a local birdwatcher and updates his sightings almost daily.
Chard Reservoir Bird Sightings